Kamis, 26 Februari 2015

Guided Imagery (sebuah Pendekatan Psikosintesis) untuk Penurunan Depresi Pada Penderita Kanker*

Cancer patients generally experience the tensions that triggered the physical and psychosocial anxiety, depression, decreased cognition and affect the power of one's role in the daily life and quality of life (Monti, Mago, & Kunkel, 2005). Approximately 30% of patients experiencing problems of adjustment to cancer and 20% were diagnosed with depression (Loyd-Williams, 2003). Various approaches conducted with the aim of overcoming the main cause (cancer), reduce the disruption that accompanies, and improve the quality of life. Interventions aimed at various aspects that cause pain, physical burden, psychological disturbance, and emotional dangers have expected more long-term benefits (Tavoli, et al, 2008).
This paper aims to explore the possibilities of Guided imagery techniques in the treatment of depression in cancer patients. A literature study to gather a variety of researches related depression and Guided imagery.
Guided imagery is one technique used in psychotherapy psychosynthesis (Crampton, 2005). Individuals directed to use their imagination by listening to recordings or directly guided in exploring problems and healing. Guided imagery allows clients to experience the altered state of consciusness, an unusual experience (unusual experiences) in perceiving the world or themselves (self), changes in time, the world, memory, sense of identity (sense of identity), cognitive processes, perception of the world, the use of the body (motor output), and interactions with the world (Tart dalam Midasari & Prabowo, 2007).
Based on various reviews about the depression and Guided imagery Guided imagery conclusion that could be an alternative treatment of depression in cancer patients. 

Keywords: Guided imagery, depression, psychosynthesis, altered state of consciusness

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*) Paper ditulis dan dipresentasikan oleh Pariman dalam acara Temu Ilmiah Nasional Psikologi 2010 pada 5 Agustus 2012 di Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta Barat. Paper dipublikasikan secara electronic proceeding (e-proceeding).
**) Cara Penulisan di Daftar Pustaka:
Pariman. (2010, Agustus). Guided Imagery (sebuah Pendekatan Psikosintesis) untuk Penurunan Depresi Pada Penderita Kanker. Makalah dipresentasikan dalam Temu Ilmiah Nasional 2010, Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta.  Diunduh pada tanggal …… dari http://s2psikologi.tarumanagara.ac.id/?p=292

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