Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

Symptoms of Somatization Disorders – Self Regulated Learning on Undergraduate Students in Psychological Faculty Universitas Diponegoro: A correlational Study

Sekar Paramitha Hanafi, Kartika Sari Dewi*), Imam Setyawan*)

Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Diponegoro
Jl. Prof. Soedarto, Tembalang, Semarang, Central Java
Ph/fax: (+62 24) 7460051,,

Skripsi  as  a mandatory  to acquire bachelor degree  is closely  attached with students’ performance. In order to complete it, students are hoped having a good self-regulated learning (SRL) in supporting their performances. Self-regulated learning is students’  active constructive thought, feeling, and behavior directed to their goals while somatization disorder refers to the condition wherein mental states and experiences are axpressed in bodily symptoms without any clinical evidence.
Even though Skripsi is a common process facing student in their academical requirement, it hypothesizes  that the disturbance of SRL affects numbers of somatic symptoms related to somatization disorder. This may exist while academic regulation as natural  relevant factor of somatization disorder facing stress then leads to the appearance of somatic symptoms.
The aim of this research is to find correlation between self regulated learning and symptoms of somatization disorder. Seventy five student acquired simple random sampling with SRL scale (19 Items alfa . 868  ), SOMS (Rief and Hiller, 2009), and questionnaire from eighty five populations. Spearman rho’s correlation coefficient show negative correlation (-.025), and no significant correlation p=0.0415. Questionnaire shows  external factor as reason unfinished their research consist of: lecture, research practice, occupation, finding reference, interpersonal relationship, and sickness. As a discussion field, evidence shows maladaptive reaction from failure strategy from subject caused symptoms of somatization disorder.

Keywords: Self-regulated learning, Symptoms of Somatization Disorder, Undergraduate student

*) Liable researcher
**) Jika membutuhkan jurnal lebih lanjut bisa kontak peneliti melalui email

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